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Raphaella's Book List
Books, books, books ... books I've read along my way to where I am now ... books I've used to assist me in getting a fresh perspective, obtaining knowledge, empathy, understanding, awareness, keys to unlocking a door before me or taking another step ... books I keep on hand for reference ... Here are some of the books in my permanent collection:

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There are many books still not on this list because they are out of print, hard to find, or I've forgotten about them as I look back on my journey since 1975 when I began this phase of learning life's lessons ... including the RSV of the Holy Bible; Norman Vincent Peale's “The Power of Positive Thinking”; Dale Carnegie's “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and many small books and discourses written by John-Roger of The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). In addition to the written word I've taken many workshops, including Landmark Education's “Curriculum for Living”; Insight Seminars; John Bradshaw's Inner Child Workshop; Peace Theological Seminary; numerous televised classes broadcast on lime.com f/k/a Wisdom TV, and PBS; and now, last but not least, New Thought studies of Ernest Holmes and others with the United Church of Religious Science and everything from Abraham-Hicks.

I've found this to be true: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
I sincerely hope you are enjoying your process. - Raphaella

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