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Living in the present moment

I value life and time. I value the opportunity to be alive at this turning of the ages on the planet. I'm so very grateful to have found a way to be of service through the expression of my heart through art, color, words, and loving.

Gratitude, love and joy are where it's at for me. one choice at a time Nevertheless, my life is not without challenges. I continue to change and grow on all levels, learning from my mistakes, using everything for my upliftment.

In college I learned about the difference between goal-oriented and process-oriented people. Let go, let God Having grown up in a family that played board games and loved sports, I was competitive. However, when I looked at process vs. goal, I decided I wanted to be the latter. That way I could enjoy the process and still get the goal in the end. Since the 70's, I've practiced being present in the moment I'm in. I don't take my next breath for granted.
- Raphaella

This work is © Copyright 1981-2023 by Raphaella Vaisseau
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without her express written permission.

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