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Destiny and the Ten Talents

People often ask me questions about my work: When did you start painting? Have you always wanted to be an artist? What motivates you? What inspires you to produce so prolifically?

Although I had early confirmation of my artistic abilities, being an artist wasn't something I thought much about as I was growing up in Minnesota. We were a practical family. I wanted to be a good person, follow the Girl Scout laws, obey my parents and the Ten Commandments, learn my lessons and figure out life. I rushed myself a little as a young woman and tried to grow up too fast. But in the 70's I discovered freedom in being a hippie. I later ventured off into other experiments, and returned again to my core. I consider all of it a part of learning who I am and how to be the best I can be, with who I am, and what I know.

What motivates me is learning to do life better, and using my gifts to glorify God in myself, in others, and in all living things. At around eight years old, a story I read made a big impact on me. It was the “Parable of the Talents” from Matthew 25, verses 14-30 (reprinted below from the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible). I was shocked (and a little scared) that those in the story who risked their master's money were rewarded, and the one man who hid it (and kept it safe to be returned) was reprimanded. In my 8-year-old mind, I had expected the opposite. Something clicked inside of me and I knew the lesson of that parable was meant for me. From that point on, and continuing to this day, I found myself driven by an inner pleading, “I've got to use my ten talents.” I didn't have to know what it meant. I knew I had something to do, if only to be the very best I could be.

To me, all life is a gift, and talents include all aspects of life. We all have unique gifts. Not just artistic gifts. For me it's about being on time, taking care of myself, keeping my word, integrity, and all manner of dealings with other people and all living things. Using what I know and applying my inner wisdom to the best of my understanding. Cleaning up my act, so to speak. Thus began my journey to know that I know that I know. A journey I'm still on. I've been working at this for most of my life, and I'm still finding new ways to do it better. And, like a mantra, I hear it still: "I've got to use my ten talents." It keeps me awake to my possibility and pushes me to make each moment count.

Thank you for being a part of my life.
Blessings from my heart to yours,

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