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Heartful Art History in Photos
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams” - Henry David Thoreau

Leaving LA, Summer '97

Heartful Art Studios on Liberty St., Ashland, OR

Lithia Park Art Fair '98

from secretary to artist - taking the leap

a little house on the side of a mountain in Ashland, Oregon

where Raphaella was "discovered"

June 2, 2001 - Signs up at 40 Princess St. Gallery

Heartful Art Gallery, 2003 at 40 Princess St.

Inside Heartful Art at 40 Princess St.

Raphaella's Heartful Art Gallery opened in Sausalito on June 2, 2001

Raphaella waves to passers-by from her window at the original 40 Princess Street location

the 40 Princess St. gallery space in Sausalito

Heartful Art at 21 Princess St., April, 2004 - Oct. 2006

Heartful Art Gallery at 21 Princess St.

Heartful Art Gallery, April, 2004 - Oct., 2006

Heartful Art in Point Reyes Station
April through Oct, 2007

Elaine Silver - 4th annual concert at Heartful Art

Heartful Art is now located in Petaluma
Raphaella at Asilomar 2007

“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads” - Henry David Thoreau

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Thank you.

Mount Tam in the background
Raphaella and her daughter, Cathy, at Pelican Ponds in San Rafael, CA
Raphaella's Mom and Dad have been happily married for 63 years. They're now living in Miami, Florida
Raphaella's Mom and Dad,
Marion & Robert Bergan

Great blue herons, geese, hawks, quail, peacocks, cows, coyotes, and other amazing creatures
The amazing former back yard from when Heartful Art's Studio was in San Rafael (2002-2006)
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This work is © Copyright 1981-2013 by Raphaella Vaisseau
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without her express written permission.

Webmaster: web-rv@heartfulart.com
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