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Art Originals Available After Hurricane Helene
Art Originals Unframed Watercolors
Art, Originals - Hearts
Art, Originals - Symbols
Art, Originals - Detailed Watercolors Lost in Flood
Art, Originals - Abstracts Lost in Flood
Art, Originals - Flowers, Tulips Lost in Flood
Art, Originals - Gardens, Mountains Lost in Flood
Prints - Detailed Watercolors
Prints - Abstracts
Prints - Blue Ridge Mountains
Prints - Flowers, Tulips
Prints - Gardens
Prints - Animals, Butterflies
Prints - Hearts
Prints - People
Prints - Sun, Moon, Stars
Prints - Symbols
POSTERS - Large (11" x 14")
POSTERS - Medium (8-1/2" x 11")
POSTERS - Small (5" x 7")
Quotes - 11" x 14" (words with mats)
Quotes - 8" x 10" (words with mats)
Quotes - 8" x 8" (words with mats)
Quotes - 5" x 7" (words with mats)
Quotes - 5" x 5" (words with mats)
STICKERS and Magnets
Recovery 12 Steps

STICKERS and Magnets

All religions Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau All religions Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S34
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

And if every way is closed Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau And if every way is closed Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S28
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Be your own hero sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Be your own hero sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S24
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Breathe in breathe out sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Breathe in breathe out sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S8
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Change is a process sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Change is a process sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S9
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Each day a new beginning AA sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Each day a new beginning AA sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S1
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Expect a Miracle sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Expect a Miracle sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S10
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Follow your bliss Joseph Campbell sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Follow your bliss Joseph Campbell sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S30
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

God grant me Serenity Prayer sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau God grant me Serenity Prayer sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S11
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Good friends sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Good friends sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S2
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

I am accepting myself sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau I am accepting myself sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S32
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

I am worthy sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau I am worthy sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S12
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

If we all did Thomas Edison sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau If we all did Thomas Edison sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S29
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Let the beauty we love sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Let the beauty we love sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S3
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Life you live sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Life you live sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S13
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Live the life Henry David Thoreau sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Live the life Henry David Thoreau sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S14
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Most folks Abe Lincoln sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Most folks Abe Lincoln sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S15
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Music in the soul sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Music in the soul sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S16
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Namaste sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Namaste sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S17
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Relax God is in charge sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Relax God is in charge sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S18
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Respond to every call Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Respond to every call Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S27
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Soul would have no rainbow sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Soul would have no rainbow sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S19
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Speak your mind sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Speak your mind sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S20
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Think happy thoughts sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Think happy thoughts sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S25
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

This too shall pass sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau This too shall pass sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S21
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

This world is but canvas Thoreau sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau This world is but canvas Thoreau sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S33
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Tolerance of Diversity sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Tolerance of Diversity sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S31
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

What boys can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau What boys can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S4
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

What children can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau What children can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S6
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

What girls can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau What girls can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S5
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

What people can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau What people can do sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S7
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

What you seek Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau What you seek Rumi sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S22
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

When I let go sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau When I let go sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S23
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Within the seed Abraham-Hicks sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau Within the seed Abraham-Hicks sticker or magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau
Code: S26
Price: $4.00
Quantity in Basket: none

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Phone: 941.993.7001

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